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Yjs integration (advanced)

SyncedStore uses Yjs as underlying CRDT. Yjs is a CRDT implementation with a focus on performance and collaborative text editing. It does have a fairly steep learning curve, which is why SyncedStore hides as many of the Yjs internals as possible.

However, should you want to access the underlying Yjs objects of your store, that's definitely possible.

Accessing Yjs objects

getYjsValue(object: any)

object is a value from the SyncedStore store. The return type of getYjsValue depends on the type passed in:

  • If object is the store itself, the return value is a Y.Doc
  • If object is an array, the return value is a Y.Array
  • If object is an object, the return value is a Y.Map

Check out the demo of getYjsValue below:

import React from "react";
import { useSyncedStore } from "@syncedstore/react";
import { boxed, getYjsValue } from "@syncedstore/core";
import { store } from "./store"; // the store we defined above
import { ObjectInspector } from "react-inspector";

export default function App() {
  const state = useSyncedStore(store);

  const doc = getYjsValue(state);
  const array = getYjsValue(state.todos);
  const map = state.todos.length ? getYjsValue(state.todos[0]) : undefined;

  return (
      <p>Todo items:</p>

      <ObjectInspector data={{ doc, array, map }} />
      <br />
          onClick={() => {
            state.todos.push({ title: "This is a todo", completed: false });
          Add a todo

Understanding the SyncedStore internals

If you're familiar with Yjs, you might be interested in how SyncedStore works. There are two important abstractions SyncedStore introduces on top of Yjs:

  • Instead of data types like Y.Map, and Y.Array, use plain Javascript objects and array
    • e.g.: = value instead of doc.getMap("outer").get("inner").set("property", "value")
  • Instead of having to call .observe manually, we integrate with a Reactive Functional Programming library to react to changes automatically
    • e.g.: wrap your code in autorun or use useSyncedStore (React), Mobx, or Vue's reactive model and automatically observe all used values from the store.