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Plain javascript example

Let's explore how SyncedStore works using a vanilla Javascript example. It's good to understand the basics, although you might want to skip ahead immediately to the React or Vue examples.

In the example below, we create a SyncedStore store with two properties: an array myArray and an object myObject. These are defined in store.js. The example then demonstrates how you can add some (random) values to the array myArray (by clicking the first button), or how you can set a property on myObject (click the second button).

In the code, you can see that adding a value to an array that is shared across users is as simple as calling store.myArray.push({ property: "value" });. And changing / adding a propery is done like a regular property assignment: = "value";.

import { observeDeep } from "@syncedstore/core";
import { store } from "./store";

const root = document.getElementById("app");

// Display the contents of the store
const jsonView = document.createElement("pre");
jsonView.innerText = JSON.stringify(store, undefined, 2);

// Add a button to add some values to store.myArray
const addElementBtn = document.createElement("button");
addElementBtn.innerText = "Add values to array";
addElementBtn.onclick = () => {
  // Add an object to the array
  store.myArray.push({ property: "value" });

  // Add a random number between 0 and 100 to the array
  store.myArray.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * 100));

// Add a button to set a property on store.myObject

// Which property to change?
const inputPropertyName = document.createElement("input");
inputPropertyName.value = "myProp";

// What value to set to the property?
const inputPropertyValue = document.createElement("input");
inputPropertyValue.value = "myValue";

// Add the actual button to change a property
const setPropertBtn = document.createElement("button");
setPropertBtn.innerText = "Change a property on the object";
setPropertBtn.onclick = () => {
  // Change a property on myObject
  store.myObject[inputPropertyName.value] = inputPropertyValue.value;

// Automatically update jsonView when the store changes
// (note that in most applications, you won't use observeDeep
// but rely on SyncedStore's reactive updating mechanism instead)
observeDeep(store, () => {
  jsonView.innerText = JSON.stringify(store, undefined, 2);

// Set the store on the window object
// If you like, you can now play around with the store
// and change values using the Browser inspector = store;

Tip: Working with the live examples

Throughout the documentation, you'll find live examples that you can edit. The results of the code are displayed twice (side-by-side) and can be seen as two different "users" using your app.

Simulating offline behaviour

You can set one side to offline, which simulates an offline user. You can then make changes (on that side or the other side), and set the user to online again. This way, you can experience how changes are synced when users make simultaneous edits to the store.

Inspecting the store

Use the Inspect button to inspect the current value of the store and see how the store updates while you make changes.

Note: the example above uses Javascript, most of the other examples on this website are written in Typescript